Orange County's Premier Criminal Defense Attorney

In order to gain experience in courtroom cases, the criminal attorney may be an associate with a firm and serve in a second chair position for several trials or cases.

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An Orange County criminal defense attorney has an important job. Although the American justice system is built to offer protection to individuals facing criminal charges, there are still ample opportunities for a person’s rights to be violated at any point in the criminal process – through the arrest, investigation and trial. By representing clients arrested for and charged with DUI, assault, domestic violence or other crimes in Southern California, the Orange County criminal defense lawyers and attorneys at Orange County Criminal Attorney fight to protect the rights of Americans throughout the country.

The experienced attorneys at Orange County Criminal Attorney understand that an individual facing a conviction is facing a myriad of life-altering penalties: fines, jail time, state prison sentence, probation, community service, and sex offender registration. The effects a criminal conviction can have upon a person’s future are also severe. Alienation from friends and family, a damaged reputation and the inability to find employment are all possible effects an individual may face. As such, the Orange County criminal defense attorneys at Orange County Criminal Attorney take the necessary time and care with each case they take on in order to provide the best legal service possible.

Orange County Criminal Defense

Criminal Defence Attorney

When you consult with your defense criminal attorney, it should be immediately after your arrest while everything is still fresh in your mind.

When to Involve an Orange County Defense Attorney

“Innocent until proven guilty” is more just a phrase than reality.

The instant an individual understands that he or she may be facing criminal charges is the moment to consult an Orange County criminal defense attorney. This may be after an arrest, accusation or when served a warrant to search property. Even when contacted for police questioning, it is possible that a person may be a suspect in a police investigation. An attorney can review the particular situation an individual is facing and provide legal counsel accordingly.

Contact an Orange County criminal lawyer at Orange County Criminal Attorney for a free case evaluation regarding your criminal charges. Our legal services are affordable without sacrificing quality. When you work with an Orange County criminal lawyer at our firm, you will be working with an individual who will fight for you. Our firm handles cases throughout all of Orange County, including Newport Beach, Westminster, Fullerton, Santa Ana and Laguna Niguel.

Criminal Attorney Practice Areas

Assault and Battery

Bench Warrants

Drug Crimes

Domestic Violence

DUI Defense


Murder / Manslaughter

Probation Violations

Restraining Orders

Sex Crimes

Theft Crimes

Traffic Offenses

Best Criminal Defense Attorney

The criminal justice system in the US is generally pro-government.

With today’s tools on the Internet, you can easily research potential attorneys to be part of your defense team. You can usually find educational background and areas of specialization within the overall criminal law boundaries. Check for membership in the State Bar Association or organizations dedicated to further standards of representation. You can check their websites to determine that the individual you are considering is a member of the bar.

Orange County Criminal Defense: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why do I need an attorney?

Any type of criminal conviction may mean that you will be sentenced to prison or experience the many other penalties associated with a conviction. Without an attorney at your side, you will have no one to protect your rights and ensure that you are given due process of the law. Otherwise, even an innocent person could be convicted for a crime that he or she did not commit. That is why an Orange County defense attorney is so important.

What kind of services does a criminal attorney provide?

An attorney provides legal advice, counsel and representation at every point of a criminal process. This includes during police questioning, during investigations conducted by law enforcement personnel, before charges are filed, an arrest, and every point during the actual court process (including the trial, sentence, appeal and expungement of a case.)

When should a defense lawyer become involved in defending a criminal case?

A lawyer should become involved in defending your case as soon as possible, even before any charges have been formally filed. The reason for this is that a lawyer will only be more effective the earlier he or she is involved – by beginning negotiations with prosecuting attorneys and defending the client’s rights from the very beginning.

Will the state appoint a lawyer if I cannot afford one?

Yes, you are entitled to a state-appointed lawyer if you cannot hire one yourself. However, with our available payment plans and reasonable rates, working with an Orange County criminal defense lawyer at Coffey & Coffey is often a better option – as a private attorney is usually able to provide more dedicated defense services than an overworked or inexperienced state-appointed criminal defense lawyer.

What kind of services does a criminal attorney provide?

An attorney provides legal advice, counsel and representation at every point of a criminal process. This includes during police questioning, during investigations conducted by law enforcement personnel, before charges are filed, an arrest, and every point during the actual court process (including the trial, sentence, appeal and expungement of a case.)

What are some penalties I might face for a crime?

There are many penalties that may be associated with any crime in California. Depending upon the type of offense, the offender’s prior criminal record and a number of other variables, the sentences for a criminal offense in Orange County may include the following:

  • County Jail Sentence
  • State Prison Sentence
  • Federal Prison Sentence
  • Fines
  • Restitution
  • Court Fees
  • Community Service
  • Probation (Formal or Informal)
  • Court-Ordered Counseling
  • Drug or Alcohol Rehabilitation
  • Sex Offender Registration
  • Driver’s License Suspension or
  • Revocation

Arrested in Orange County, California?

Contact an Orange County criminal defense attorney at Orange County Criminal Attorney immediately!